I-64/US 40/I-170, Brentwood/Richmond Heights, MO

One of the strangest freeway to freeway connections anywhere.

I-64 and US 40 ('Daniel Boone Expressway') are combined running east-west, and I-170 ('Inner Belt Freeway') goes to the north. The border between Brentwood and Richmond Heights runs east-west along the frontage road immediately south of I-64.

This is a classic case of 'doing it on the cheap', simply to get it built. Prior to the construction of I-170, US 40 (I-64 was added later) had full, albeit very substandard, cloverleaf interchanges at Brentwood Boulevard (first major north-south road west of I-170) and Hanley Road (first crossroad to the east).

I-170 was built in the late 1960s-early 1970s with only a direct ramp connection from the WB 'Daniel Boone'. All of the other connections were via the frontage road that the freeway ends at. More recently, the 'Daniel Boone' and the I-170 interchange were updated to include new direct connections from SB I-70 to both directions on the 'Daniel Boone', along with some simplification of the two crossroad interchanges. This work included the construction of 'CD' lanes on the westbound side of I-64/US 40. (I had to modify the source map to show the current ramp configurations.) These connections are still *extremely* tight and quite substandard. The EB 'Daniel Boone to NB I-170 connection still requires 90 degree intersection turns at THREE traffic lights (one right turn and two left turns).

There is a massive amount of residential to commercial redevelopment occurring in the area. The last remnants of the small lot/small house single family residential neighborhood between the 'Shopping Center' and the 'Daniel Boone' were removed during the early 1990s to allow for the expansion of the shopping center. Similar projects are occurring elsewhere in the area. Any true re-engineering of this interchange would likely require the acquisition part of the nieghborhoods northeast and south of the existing connection and would be highly expensive. I am unaware of any current or near to midterm future plans for this, though.

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